THe H2O St Catherines Learn To Swim Program has relocated back to the Lauriston Girls School pool in Armadale; about a 4 minute drive from Heyington Place.
The Lauriston pool enjoys very high levels of cleanliness with the pool deck washed and the changerooms cleaned daily.
H2O is a Learn to Swim Stroke Technique program rather than typical Water Safety or Enhanced Water Safety program.
Other programs can help make you water safe but don't necessarily teach a technique that supports swimmers to swim competitively or recreationally for the rest of their life.
Location Map
Pool Directions

Pool Location & Access
1. enter via the tennis court gate on Huntingtower Rd (near corner Malvern Rd)
2. open the gate Outwards onto the footpath
3. walk diagonally across the court, past the demountable classrooms
4. walk along-side the grassed area then straight ahead to the temporary pool entrance.
5. Enter the pool from the rear pool door and then Check-in at Pool Reception
2. open the gate Outwards onto the footpath
3. walk diagonally across the court, past the demountable classrooms
4. walk along-side the grassed area then straight ahead to the temporary pool entrance.
5. Enter the pool from the rear pool door and then Check-in at Pool Reception
Click here for our Term Dates and here for our Closed Dates.
NOTE: We are always closed on Long Weekends / Public Holidays.
NOTE: We are always closed on Long Weekends / Public Holidays.